Cloud Security
Three Reasons To Move To A Cloud-Based Dental Software Solution
ADSTRA Systems has been a leader in the dental software industry for over 20 years and is continuously improving their all-inclusive paperless solution. Year after year, new features are added to satisfy the ever-evolving needs of modern, high-tech dentistry.
ADSTRA’s integrated dental software solution has an intuitive, user-friendly interface with tools for managing all aspects of patient care and provides a cloud-based option as well as an on-premise option.
How ADSTRA Cloud Dental Software Can Help Dreams Come True
Many dream of opening their own dental practice with the hopes of finding a safe and secure solution that will make the process as simple and efficient as possible. Today, majority of new practice owners opt for a cloud-based solution right from the beginning, and others decide to make the switch after years of being paper-based…
Dental Software and HIPAA and PIPEDA Compliance
In today’s age – the technology age, information is easily accessible. It almost seems that anyone can find out anything. With such ease of access, we might wonder whether health information is being kept safe and private. Rest assured! A rigorous framework exists that health care providers including dentists can follow to ensure that health information is, in fact, kept safe and private…
Benefits To A Cloud-Based Dental Software Solution
ADSTRA dental software is now available as a cloud-based dental software solution (ADSTRA Cloud) for your dental practice. This cloud solution is a safe and modern solution to your dental clinic’s needs…
ADSTRA Cloud Paperless Dental Software Solution
For over 20 years, ADSTRA Dental Software has been a leading provider of paperless dental software. During this time, ADSTRA was selected by Lockheed Martin Canada to supply the paperless dental software component for the Canadian Department of National Defence’s state-of-the-art health care system…