
Combating Misinformation in Oral Health

Review of Key Strategies for Dental Patient Satisfaction

How healthy is your dental practice?

The ADSTRA On-premise and ADSTRA Cloud Dental Software Solutions

5 Steps to Efficiently Bill Dental Treatment Plans

Woman Behind Computer Giving Thumbs Up Ways ADSTRA Can Make You Money Ways ADSTRA Can Make You Money

How your ADSTRA Dental Software Helps Increase Revenue

As a dentist, you strive to provide the highest quality of care to your patients. By doing so, you increase their trust and loyalty in you and your practice; helping your practice thrive in the long run. While providing such a high level of care to your patients, you also want to maximize the revenue coming into your dental practice.

Ways Your ADSTRA Dental Software Can Make You Money

ADSTRA Dental Software can help further increase your practices efficiency and overall revenue by giving you valuable information:

Turn cancellations into new appointments

As we know, cancellations are inevitable, unpredictable and unpreventable. However – by developing a short-call list, you can make them work in your favour. Developing a short-call list allows you to contact the patients that match the type of treatment required or block of time needed in priority order to fill the cancellation spots on your schedule as quickly as possible.

More appointments means increased revenue for your dental practice, – the ultimate goal.

Make it easy for patients to confirm appointments

With ADSTRA Confirmations, you can save your front desk staff’s time and energy from having to manually confirm your patient’s dental appointments. By sending automatic individual or group SMS and/or Email appointment confirmations and reminders to your patients, you’ll be able to get in instant contact with them and hopefully fill the gaps in your schedule.

Additionally, when your patients confirm their appointments via SMS, the schedule will be automatically updated. This eliminates the need for your staff to manually update the schedule, as well as call patients multiple times for appointment confirmations, giving them more time to provide exceptional service to your patients.

Drive growth by making changes based on current performance

With over 130 different reports and charts that can be generated in ADSTRA Management, on all aspects of your practice and viewed at a glance, you can not only grow your dental practice, but also improve the financial efficiency of your practice. By pulling these different reports you will be able to see which procedures generate the most profit, and thus focus your energy on acquiring patients that require these procedures.

There is always room for improvement in one’s business workflow. You can generate reports that can help you identify which areas of your dental practice need improvement, for example – pull a report in which you compare production by providers . See the profit coming from each provider, and use that information to implement best practices throughout the whole dental office.

You’ve invested time, energy, and resources in your dental software – now let it help grow your practice, and maximize the revenue coming in to your dental practice.

Contact ADSTRA to learn more.

Becoming a Paperless Dental Office

When speaking with an office administrator or dental office owner about being a paperless dental office, one of the first questions I ask is “What does being a paperless dental office mean for you?”. With this concept having been around for years, many dental offices in today’s day-and-age are becoming paperless from the get-go or making the switch as they see the numerous advantages such a solution provides.

But what does being a “paperless dental office” really mean?

paperless dental office is simply one in which the use of paper is eliminated, or greatly reduced, by converting existing information contained on paper into a digital format. In dentistry, this means being “chartless.” Essentially, while paper documents could still be used for some instances such as outside communication and information shared (incoming and outgoing), the majority of patient information including charts, images, and treatment plans are stored digitally.

Creating a Paperless Dental Office

“Going paperless is a process, not an event.”

Becoming a paperless dental office is not something that can be done overnight; it takes time to convert paper files, but with the right dental software provider such as ADSTRA, it will be easy to do. Additionally, setting targets and taking the steps necessary to reach each milestone is a way to keep the process on track and your expectations achievable.

Switching to digital charting, clinical notes, and emailing patients various type of documents from appointment reminders to bills, to claims and financial statements – are all changes that can be made when converting to a paperless dental office. However, to ensure the transition is smooth and that you are optimizing your dental software to best suit your new paperless dental office, make sure your dental software provider is supporting you with adequate training along the way, which is something ADSTRA excels at doing for their users.

In deciding to make the switch, take a moment to analyze your current business processes to determine what you are storing digitally and which processes you are still resorting to paper for.

Here is a list of the most common dental office processes:

  • Patient Information
  • Appointments
  • Bills & Payments
  • Payment Plans
  • Insurance Claims
  • Treatment Plans
  • Clinical Notes
  • Odontograms
  • Camera and X-ray Images
  • Patient Communication
  • Referrals to Specialists
  • Daily Reports
  • Patient Statements
  • Year-End Reports

For those paper-based processes, verify whether they can be completed through your current dental software. If your software does have any of these capabilities, arrange some training and take the first steps to become a paperless dental office.

If your software does not have the capabilities you are looking for, it may be time to make a switch to another software provider such as ADSTRA Dental Software which offers both an on-premise as well as a cloud-based solution that will meet and exceed your expectations for becoming a paperless dental office, as well as help take the stress out of this process.

With ADSTRA it is possible to send Email and SMS appointment confirmations and reminders to patients, convert documents that come in, store them electronically by patient, as well as do all of the dental office processes listed above, providing a convenient solution for your paperless dental office needs.

Being a paperless dental office is the way of the future. Several advantages come from implementing and converting to such a solution. With this, take the steps to become a paperless dental office by using ADSTRA in your practice!

Box the last of your charts and documents. Truly utilize your paperless dental office!

Ways to reduce patients leaving your practice

How ADSTRA Dental Solution Can Reduce the Risk of Patients Leaving your Practice